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Monday, September 20, 2010

Americans gambling with their retirements on Wall Street

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According to a recent ( Sept. 17, 2010) AFP article, “Wall Street 'casino' spooks small American investors”, Americans are fleeing the stock market due to “the extreme instability that has characterized the markets since the 2008 financial meltdown often blamed on highly speculative trading, and the increased use of super-fast automated trading systems make Wall Street a tough environment for small investors”. The ‘super-fast automated trading system’ the article refers to is the also known as HFT (high frequency trading) which are lightning fast algorithms that buy and sell shares within nano-seconds. According to the article, they account for, “more than 50 percent of daily trading volume”. This HFT has come under harsh scrutiny after the recent, “ ‘Flash Crash’ which saw market indexes dive by more than nine percent in minutes, only to rebound again after seconds”. In this present market where you can literally lose your entire investment in seconds, is this really where Americans should be putting their retirement savings? Where can they find a residual monthly return on investment that they can control, yet still be passive investors?

Real estate seems to come to mind. Currently several markets across the states are finding between 7-18% annual returns. Not only is it generally less complex and volatile than the stock market, it leaves you with a tangible asset to control. Many Main Street Americans are achieving their investment goals through multifamily real estate investments in specific markets in the US. So how does one start investing in real estate, you may be asking yourself? First you need to decide what your investment goals are. What is a comfortable risk/reward ratio for you? Are you looking to buy and hold for residual monthly income? Or are you looking to flip your investment quickly? How many of your hard-earned dollars do you what to invest? Do you want an investment with a low-cash down scenario?

Any great brokerage will help you understand the above options, so that you can make educated, controlled decisions. Obviously, I would recommend my own brokerage, Plutus Investments LLC. Not only for our incredible multifamily investments we offer, but for our excellent personal service and attention to detail. I don’t want to toot my own horn but, beep-beep. Regardless of which brokerage you go with, make sure they take the time to understand your individual investment goals, to ensure you are paired up with an investment plan that not only meets or exceeds your goals, but makes you feel in control of your financial future.

Isn’t it time to move away from Wall Street and start putting your retirement dollars to work on Main Street?
-Zach Henderson